Milawa Heritage Group

The Milawa Heritage Group incorporates the townships of the Oxley Plains, at one time known as the Shire of Oxley. Bobbinawarah, Carbor, Docker, Markwood, Meadow Creek, Milawa, Oxley as well as some of the adjoining townships such as Greta and Moyhu. The group meets on a regular basis to share stories and collate historical documents and photos.  The groups next meeting is 7pm Monday 25th May 2015 at the Milawa Hall.

You may also be interested in Town HistoryLost Oxley Facebook Page, Lost Milawa Facebook Page, Greta Heritage Group or the Wangaratta Historical Society and Lost Wangaratta Facebook Page

A Mile Away Doug Brockfield

A Mile Away Launch

The Milawa Heritage Group published ‘About A Mile Away’.


President Rex Gibb

Secretaries Graham and Glad Wilson [email protected]

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