Oxley Primary School

Oxley Primary School is a rural school with a current enrolment of over 70 children. The school is situated on the Wangaratta Whitfield Road in the picturesque King River Valley 11 kilometres from Wangaratta on the edge of the Oxley Township. To find out more about Oxley Primary School, please visit the School Website.

Oxley Primary School has excellent facilities and surroundings. The School has a fully equipped kitchen, a large indoor multi-purpose area and an open plan 21st Century learning space for individual classes.  The school offers a stimulating, safe and happy environment where children can grow and develop to their highest potential and at the same time develop creative use of their leisure time.

Our experienced and dedicated staff members use innovative and comprehensive planning and assessment approaches, to ensure educational programs meet designated curriculum standards. Oxley Primary School has a very high satisfaction rate with parents and provides high quality educational programs for all its students. The students have a keen interest in their schoolwork, enjoy their sport and physical education and have developed an interest in information technology. The school runs an extensive swimming and camps program. The commitment of staff to plan, coordinate and run these programs for the benefit of students is a feature of the school.


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