Contact Details

You can contact a member of the Residents’ Association by sending mail to PO Box 219, Oxley VIC 3678 or sending e-Mail

Alternatively, contact details for elected committee members are as follows:

  • President – Alison Stephens
  • Vice President –  Dianne Feldtmann
  • Secretary – Joan Maher
  • Treasurer – Eric Pike
  • Social Sub-Committee – Dianne Feldtmann, Erica Pike, Margot Ingwersen, Clare Cowdery, Paul McGavin
  • Rememberance Day Sub-Committee – Neil Brock, Lindsay Cummins, Don Heath, Bruce Uebergang, Peter Cardwell, Graeme Wilson, Jason Mullins
  • Oxley-Milawa Heritage Trail Committee – Neil Brock, Pat Richardson, Dianne Feldtmann, Graeme Wilson, Wendy Booth, Colin Reid, Judy White
  • Australia Day Committee – Alison Stephens, Martin Butcher

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